This post is a reminder to ponder... why is the Chill Subs / WoD team not also a stand-up comedy troop? (serious)

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Loving the concept of transparency in lit mag. You should be commended.

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I love your voice and the ChillSubs world. I wish more businesses had your sense of humor :D thanks for what you guys do and GOOD LUCK with the lawyer

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God I love these updates.

As a former serial entrepreneur (seven small business or nonprofit startups in just five years: after five flaming (or withering) failures the “serial” thing was cauterized out of me. Two survive to this day tho, and so do I), I feel in my partly-cauterized viscera everything you’re describing so vividly.

Hang in there. You guys are amazing.

And it’s now 2024— don’t forget to file your BOIR within 90 days!

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ChillSubs: Gooooood morning money

Money: https://youtu.be/7SKRfBst-rY

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