Jan 11Liked by Benjamin Davis

I half-read then abandon a lot of newsletters bc they are so boring but my ADHD ass read this whole thing. Thanks for the laughs. Sorry about the drug problem.

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Jan 11Liked by Benjamin Davis

Good for you guys for being on top of tax season! I'm really not looking forward to it. Between Stripe fees and Substack fees...Well, never mind. I'm off in search of a proper source for Ambien...

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This is hilarious and you guys are amazing. Thank you for everything you do for writers. What a team!

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This is TOO funny (except for the everyone getting sick part which is a huge bummer)

You're all good sports since I feel like you probably could have found a way to angle with the troublemakers selling illicit substances on your platform resulting in a range of antics including some sorta failed $$$ laundering scenario a la Office Space ... but your better angels seem to have won the day

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Jan 11Liked by Benjamin Davis

I just wanted to tell you that this post is goddamn hilarious. Well done.

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*reads all the chemical names*

pffft noobs. You want surprise, excitement and sensations? Let me tell you about this time someone thought tiger balm was lube…

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Jan 11Liked by Benjamin Davis

What about Ugh? Is it going to be live anytime soon?

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